Crime Fiction Ratings

by The Purloined Letter Society (International)

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1 star Of some literary quality
2 star Of substantial literary quality
3 star Exceptional


(T) Translated from language other than English
PI Private investigator
PO Police officer(s)
O Other

Showing 1 to 20 of 157 authors.


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List:   Main  |  Supplementary

Main List

Author   Rating   Char.   Place   Period   Additonal Information
Wright, Eric PO Canada (Toronto) 1970's - Only novels featuring 'Salter' or 'Picket' are rated **
Wingfield, R D PO England 1980's - Droll English humour
Williams, Timothy PO Italy 1980's - "The Second day of the Renaissance" is not of the same quality as the other Trotti novels. The Gaudalope series are rated only **.
Wetering, Willem van der PO Netherlands (mainly) 1970's - Only novels featuring 'Gripstra' and 'de Gier', set in Holland, are rated ***
Waugh, Hillary PO USA (Connecticutt) 1940's - 1970's Only novels featuring 'Fellows' are rated **; others are rated *.
Watson, Colin PO England (East Anglia) 1960's - 1980's Verging on satire; "Öne Man's Meat" is not rated **.
Wahloo, Per (T) PO Sweden (mainly) 1960's - 1970's Co-written with Maj Sjowall. Only novels featuring 'Martin Beck' are rated ***.
Vichi, Marco (T) PO Italy (Florence) 1960 's Marred by some sexual tittilation. "Ghosts of the Past" is excessively sentimental.
Vargas, Fred (T) PO France 2000's - There is no concensus about this writer; some members would award her ***. The validity of the element of fantasy in the novels is the matter of contention.
Varesi, Valerio (T) PO Northern Italy 2000's - Political themes; some pretentious philosophising. "Gold, Frankincense and Dust" is not of ** quality.
Upfield, Arthur PO Australia 1920's - 1950's Writing style naive; characterisations sentimental, ingenuous. Only novels set in the outback and involving tribal aborigines are rated *
Tursten, Helene (T) PO Sweden 2000's - Female investigator; morbid themes; marred by unlikely physical encounters. Only novels featuring Irene Huss are rated **
Trocheck, Kathy Hogan PI USA (Atlanta) 1990's - Only novels featuring 'Garrity' are rated *. "Strange Brew" is not recommended.
Thomson, June PO England 1980's -
Temple, Peter O Australia (Victoria) 1990's - Only 'The Iron Rose' and 'Broken Shore' warrant an ** rating so far; other novels are rated *. Novels featuring 'Irish' are more 'thriller' than crime fiction.
Straley, John PI Alaska 1990's -
Sten, Viveca PO Sweden 2000's -
Staalesen, Gunnar (T) PI Norway 1980's - Some novels tend to be dissertations on sociology and morality as much as crime fiction; mildly pornographic; improbable physical heroics. "Fallen Angels" is not recommmended
Smith, Martin Cruz PO Russia and Americas 1970's - As much 'thrillers'as crime fiction. Only novels featuring 'Renko' are rated **.
Smith, Alexander McCall PI Botswana and Scotland 1990's - Woman private detective: homespun philosophy and morality. Only novels set in Botswana are rated **.



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