Crime Fiction Ratings

by The Purloined Letter Society (International)

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1 star Of some literary quality
2 star Of substantial literary quality
3 star Exceptional


(T) Translated from language other than English
PI Private investigator
PO Police officer(s)
O Other

Showing 1 to 20 of 157 authors.


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List:   Main  |  Supplementary

Main List

Author   Rating   Char.   Place   Period   Additonal Information
Sigurdardottir, Yrsa (T) O Iceland & Greenland 2000's - Only novels featuring Thora Gudmundsdottir are of interest as crime fiction or are rated *. "The Legacy" is not recommended.
Indridason, Arnaldur (T) PO Iceland 2000's - The quality varies considerably; the best are worthy of **. "Operation Napoleon" is not crime fiction.
Varesi, Valerio (T) PO Northern Italy 2000's - Political themes; some pretentious philosophising. "Gold, Frankincense and Dust" is not of ** quality.
Garcia-Roza, Luiz (T) PO Brazil 2000's - Above average in most criteria but marred by pornographic sadism.
Cotterill, Colin O Laos 2000's - Only early novels featuring Dr Siri are rated ***;
Tursten, Helene (T) PO Sweden 2000's - Female investigator; morbid themes; marred by unlikely physical encounters. Only novels featuring Irene Huss are rated **
Carofiglio, Gianrico (T) O Italy, Bari 2000's -
Eriksson, Kjell (T) PO Sweden 2000's - Rather like the curate's egg; flawed by excessive, morbid psychological maundering and unlikely physical encounters; mildly pornographic.
Sten, Viveca PO Sweden 2000's -
Persson, Lief G W (T) PO Sweden 2000's - Espoinage element. Droll, politically-incorrect humour. Mildly pornographic.
Vargas, Fred (T) PO France 2000's - There is no concensus about this writer; some members would award her ***. The validity of the element of fantasy in the novels is the matter of contention.
McGilloway, Brian PO Ireland 2000's -
Hammer, Lotte & Soren PO Denmark 2000' - As much "thrillers" as crime fiction.
Horst, Jorn Lier PO Norway 2000 's - Secondary investigator is daughter journalist
Mankell, Henning (T) PO Sweden 1990's - Only novels featuring 'Wallander' are recommended. There is a significant element of fantasy in many of these novels: they are more akin to "thrillers".
Maloney, Shane O Australia (Victoria) 1990's - Mildly pornographic."Something Fishy" is not recommended.
Camilleri, Andrea (T) PO Sicily 1990's - 'August Heat' & 'A Beam of Light' are not rated ***.
Leon, Donna PO Italy (Venice) 1990's -
Maitland, Barry PO England 1990's - Only novels featuring 'Brock and Kolla' or Belltree are recommended. 'Silvermeadow' is not recommended.
Disher, Garry PO South-Eastern Australia 1990's - Only novels featuring 'Challis' are rated **. "Whispering Death" is not recommended.



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