Crime Fiction Ratings

by The Purloined Letter Society (International)

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1 star Of some literary quality
2 star Of substantial literary quality
3 star Exceptional


(T) Translated from language other than English
PI Private investigator
PO Police officer(s)
O Other

Showing 101 to 120 of 157 authors.


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List:   Main  |  Supplementary

Main List

Author   Rating   Char.   Place   Period   Additonal Information
Thomson, June PO England 1980's -
Trocheck, Kathy Hogan PI USA (Atlanta) 1990's - Only novels featuring 'Garrity' are rated *. "Strange Brew" is not recommended.
Tursten, Helene (T) PO Sweden 2000's - Female investigator; morbid themes; marred by unlikely physical encounters. Only novels featuring Irene Huss are rated **
Upfield, Arthur PO Australia 1920's - 1950's Writing style naive; characterisations sentimental, ingenuous. Only novels set in the outback and involving tribal aborigines are rated *
Varesi, Valerio (T) PO Northern Italy 2000's - Political themes; some pretentious philosophising. "Gold, Frankincense and Dust" is not of ** quality.
Vargas, Fred (T) PO France 2000's - There is no concensus about this writer; some members would award her ***. The validity of the element of fantasy in the novels is the matter of contention.
Vichi, Marco (T) PO Italy (Florence) 1960 's Marred by some sexual tittilation. "Ghosts of the Past" is excessively sentimental.
Wahloo, Per (T) PO Sweden (mainly) 1960's - 1970's Co-written with Maj Sjowall. Only novels featuring 'Martin Beck' are rated ***.
Watson, Colin PO England (East Anglia) 1960's - 1980's Verging on satire; "Öne Man's Meat" is not rated **.
Waugh, Hillary PO USA (Connecticutt) 1940's - 1970's Only novels featuring 'Fellows' are rated **; others are rated *.
Wetering, Willem van der PO Netherlands (mainly) 1970's - Only novels featuring 'Gripstra' and 'de Gier', set in Holland, are rated ***
Williams, Timothy PO Italy 1980's - "The Second day of the Renaissance" is not of the same quality as the other Trotti novels. The Gaudalope series are rated only **.
Wingfield, R D PO England 1980's - Droll English humour
Wright, Eric PO Canada (Toronto) 1970's - Only novels featuring 'Salter' or 'Picket' are rated **



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